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Medication Tailored to You

We work with your doctor to provide you with compounded medication in Odessa, TX

University Pharmacy is happy to serve as a reliable compound pharmacy in Odessa, TX. Using various ingredients, we’ll create an individualized medication tailored to your health needs.

When your doctor sends us your prescription, our local team will make your compounded medication in our safe and carefully controlled environment. We’re committed to providing our patients with top-quality services. So, you can trust us to take great care when mixing your drug.

Learn more about the benefits compounding offers

By providing compounded medications, University Pharmacy can cater to a patient’s specific requirements. Compounding allows us to...

  • Attain precise dosage amounts tailored to individual needs
  • Accommodate optional preferences for easier administration
  • Remove certain non-essential ingredients to prevent allergic reactions
  • Adjust the taste and color of medications for pediatric patients and even animals

You won’t be disappointed when you choose to fill your prescriptions at our compounding pharmacy in Odessa, TX. Call 432-366-8821 today to connect with our pharmaceutical team.

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